Transfer Credit
TC Information ~
Undergraduate Students:
Students transferring into Cal Poly Pomona may be awarded credit for courses completed at other regionally accredited colleges and universities. Students must submit an official transcript from each institution where they completed courses. Upon receipt of the transcript, CPP course and/or unit credit is determined. Transfer courses may be applied toward specific requirements, such as general education or major requirements, or serve as elective credit.
A maximum of 70 semester units (105 quarter units) of community college course credit may be applied toward the bachelor's degree. No credit may be allowed for professional courses in education taken at a community college.
Transfer courses are applied toward degree requirements and are based on factors such as articulation agreements, unit limitation and GE certification. For specific transfer credit information, please see the links below. If after reviewing your Transfer Credit Report you have questions, please contact your Transfer and Graduation Advisor.
More Details About the Transfer Work:
The American Cultural Perspectives Requirement is a graduation requirement satisfied by completing the equivalent of an approved course from the list shown in the Cal Poly Pomona Catalog. Please note that completing the CSU Breadth General Education Certification pattern or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) does not guarantee satisfaction of this requirement. Contact the Registrar's Office for more details.
The following unit limitations on transfer courses apply to graduate students:
A maximum of 9 semester units from an accredited institution or from the College of Professional and Global Education (CPGE) may be applied to the Master's Degree requirements with departmental and college approval. Time limits apply to the acceptance of transfer courses.
Transfer Credit Report - FAQs:
The TCR includes courses transferred by students admitted into CPP in fall 2004 to present. Generally, courses from nearby California community colleges are automatically entered into the report, while courses coming from out of state require manual intervention prior to being included.
Articulation agreements exist only for California community colleges. Therefore, all courses taken at out-of-state and private school institutions may receive generic course credits. Petitioning course work to be applied toward specific requirements is the best procedure to follow when seeking course equivalencies other than generic transfer credits. Complete the Course Substitution or Acceptance of Transfer Coursework Form available on the Forms page to file a petition.
In order for courses taken at a California community college to be applied toward the CSU General Education pattern, the course must be a certified General Education course. Go to ASSIST to see if your course is GE-certifed. When verifying your course against the course listings, make sure that you are checking against the list for the term and year that coincides with the term and year you completed your course. (Certification is term- and year-based.) If the course is listed and it does not appear in your Transfer Credit Report, contact your Transfer and Graduation Advisor.
The Degree Progress Report is a system generated record used with the Transfer Credit Report to displays how your transfer courses are applied toward your degree requirements.
Contact your major advisor to discuss this matter. If your advisor agrees that your course can be used to satisfy a specific requirement in your major, or can be equated to a specific course in your major, ask your advisor to assist in completing the Course Substitution or Acceptance of Transfer Coursework e-Form.
You can petition for the grade you received in your transfer course to be removed from the calculation of your grade point average by submitting the Course Repetition Form available on the Forms page to your Academic or Department advisor. Upon obtaining the necessary approval, return the form to the Registrar’s Office for recording. Remember, the Repeated Course Policy can be applied to a maximum of 16 units on transfer or CPP coursework.
Please visit ASSIST to check for established articulation agreements between colleges and universities and Cal Poly Pomona. When in doubt, seek clarification from your Academic Advisor in your major department, the Articulation Office ( or your Transfer & Graduation Advisor in the Registrar's Office.
There are specific unit limitations to what can be transferred and/or applied toward your degree at Cal Poly Pomona. Although the maximum number of units that can be applied toward your Cal Poly Pomona degree from the community college is 70 semester (105 quarter) units, subject credit will still be awarded for all transferable courses. Visit Transfer Credit Information to find out more details about unit limitations.
Contact the Office of Admissions to find out if your transcript from the transfer institution has been received by Cal Poly Pomona. If it has been received, contact a Transfer and Graduation Advisor.